22 May 2004 Circle Barn Entrance Shrine ~ Pagans have no end of doorway charms and window charms. Here is a good example of a entrance shrine at the door of the Barn Temple. There are tub planters on either side of the stairway in. Here we see a basic Pentacle hex sign, some lovely May thyme, and a bit of extraordinary concrete flooring from one of the old, old outbuildings on the land.
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve, Wisconsin, USA
22 May 2004 Circle Barn Entrance Shrine © Nicholas Sea |
Any archaeologist would go gaga over the small bit of concrete sample in this tub planter if they were told its origin. Long ago when the land was first settled, the farmers who built the house, barn and outbuildings gathered gravel from the washed out areas near the creek. The gravel is quite different than the typical rock and stone one would gather from embankments on the land. True, I cannot attest do exactly where the gravel came from over 100 years ago, but when I looked closely at some of the samples of concrete (revealed when the outbuildings were removed) I saw bits of chert and struck flakes from stone tool fabrication ~ there may have even bit the remnant of a point or two.