13 Apr 2004 Community Bonfire Circle Rocks ~ For many years I tended the Circle Community Bonfire circle of stones. I am the volunteer who spread the base gravel that levels the area, and I have added many stones from Circle Land to maintain the fire ring. On this volunteer day I put in a lot of effort digging fresh rocks from the upper parking lot embankment for the Community Bonfire ring and for the various Circle House Gardens.
Circle Sanctuary Nature Preserve, Wisconsin, USA
13 Apr 2004 Community Bonfire Circle Rocks © Nicholas Sea |
I have been lugging and tugging rocks since the 1950’s when I was a small child. I have built many cairns, rock gardens, fire rings, sweat lodge stone piles, and other stone works. At Circle Stone Circle up on top of the Ritual Mound I have laid hundreds of pounds of rocks from around the world.